Republicans are known to pick bad VP picks and then manage to win the election.
This was done when George H. W. Bush picked an unknown Indiana senator, Dan Quayle,
as his running mate. Lloyd Bentsen, Dukakis' running mate, managed to whip him in the
VP debate with those famous words,"Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy." But, look who
won the race, George H.W. Bush. This is a caveat for the Obama-Biden team. Most people
do not know who Sarah Palin and Republicans all over the country are kissing her ass, convincing
us floor people who are working hard for much less that she is an asset, a wise pick for John McCain. Other than this fight she had with Sen. Ted Stevens over the bridge to nowhere, she is not suited for the job. It proves to me that McCain wants to continue the failed Bush legacy.
Just put people with little to no experience in the executive branch just like George W. did
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