Friday, December 20, 2019

A long while...

Okay, it has been a long while since I posted anything on blogger. We are ending a decade and starting a new decade. Things seem to get worse and worse. We have a president who is now impeached, the most unhinged president I have ever seen in my lifetime. We are laughed at by many in the world. And I don't see anything coming from this. He may be end up being the first impeached president to be re-elected by the electoral college, since he was never popularly elected. No, not yet. Well, I hope this Christmas in 2019 will bring out the best for you this season. What do supporters reason with this? Well, the stock market's up. Low unemployment, but that counts only those who are presently unemployed. Many people have left the job market altogether either through retirement or just gave up looking for work. Gig jobs and temp work seem to be the way to go. Trump is pulling troops out. I read a marquee from a Tribune-owned TV station that he was pulling out 4,000 troops from Afghanistan. We know he pulled troops from Syria, hence, losing friendship with the Kurds. I don't know how often I am going to write in this blog. I just recently gained back my old Google account. I plan on this blog to be pretty much a miscellaneous blog on many things and I won't try to be as political. Psyche! I can't guarantee that. And as we speak, Tulsi Gabbard's candidacy for president is on its way out. She votes "present" on impeachment on both counts. And I find she is way too chummy with India's Modi and Syria's Assad. She is the peace candidate, but way too pacifist for me. Conservative supporters question her anti-Israel stance enough that they will not get on board. Democrats do not need to worry about her. Get her on these issues. She is way too peaceful. So much so, she gives authoritarians the green light! Again, Merry Christmas!

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